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3 Trust-Killing B2B Branding Mistakes You Could Be Making

Published: August 26, 2021       Updated: November 22, 2021

1 min read

There’s something we say in any new business meetings where branding work might come up. It’s not some unique insight, but it’s something that does need to be stated—just so it’s out there to avoid any confusion.

It’s this: You don’t get to determine what your brand is. Your brand is determined by anyone who interacts with your company. Your brand is their response to several things: your logo, your colors, your brand strategy and messaging—and perhaps more than anything else, your observed actions.

Any interaction with your customers or the public is another brick in building your brand—and in generating trust (or distrust) with these audiences. This is a reality that seems clear to most B2C businesses. It’s, unfortunately, not as clear to as many B2B businesses.

I recently spoke with Cecil Cross. He heads up all things creative here at Idea Grove, and the two of us talked about B2B branding and some of those mistakes or misconceptions that can keep B2B companies from building great brands.

Cecil has spent more than a decade helping B2B businesses build better brands, and he’s found three things that too many companies are doing that are holding them back. In fact, in many cases they are trust killers for their website or brand.

It’s valuable information if you’re just getting started or even if your organization has been around a while. So, give it a watch then come back here and leave us a comment. We look forward to the discussion.

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