Aristotle once said, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” This can be applied to a wide variety of situations, but is especially relevant with an integrated marketing campaign; each discipline may be effective by itself, but when all elements are combined, the campaign is set up for a more seamless and successful execution.
For instance, if your company is announcing a product launch, a press release is an obvious tactic, but by no means should it be isolated.
Have you thought about social media? What about content, or creative?
When disciplines work together cohesively, the campaign is strengthened and positioned to achieve greater success.
But what does this look like? An example of this can be explained through a zombie apocalypse. (No, seriously.)
In October 2016, Idea Grove was challenged by one of our clients to disrupt the traditionally conservative transportation industry conversation by creating a highly innovative, creative and integrated multichannel campaign that broke the social norms. The overall goal was to raise awareness around the importance of the trucking industry and what makes fleet drivers successful.
The campaign was built on one question: What would happen if there were no truck drivers or technology to guide their journey? The answer turned out to be simple: the world could not survive without the trucking industry. If the trucking industry stopped in its tracks, we’d immediately be without the food and health resources we take for granted every day. It was this notion that led to Zombie Dispatch.
Complete IntegrationAlthough it’s easy to become siloed, integrated marketing campaigns are stronger, more successful, and paint a more complete picture. All disciplines should come together to reinforce the overarching goal and support the purpose of the campaign. No matter your marketing focus, all campaigns should start out with a brainstorm made up of representatives from all disciplines.
You never know – you might end up with a killer infographic that creatively displays your proof points in a more effective way than a blog would, or a social media strategy that infuses creative elements instead of regurgitating text. And at the end of the day, if you still feel stuck, ask yourself… what would zombies do?