It seems like a no-brainer — stay organized and you won’t lose important documents, forget information about your clients, or miss meetings. But sometimes we take organization for granted. So, I’ve put together a refresher on some key everyday habits that my team at Idea Grove and I rely on.
The tools and methods described below are neither innovative nor groundbreaking, but you may be surprised to find how effective they are when used correctly. It’s particularly important for PR and marketing agency professionals to be organized in order to ensure productivity and results for clients—but these skills and habits can be useful for any business professional.
When I first started working at agencies, B2B and technology PR were not something I had a lot of experience in. But what an invigorating challenge, right? Even though it may seem unnecessary, I wrote everything down. This helped reinforce everything I was trying to absorb and allowed me to memorize important information. I still take detailed notes in all meetings. Even if I never end up referring back to these notes, they’re there in case of emergency.
So why is this so critical in our industry? B2B and technology clients have niche products and solutions that can be very technical. To provide a lot of value to our clients, we must understand their offerings inside and out. This means digesting everything that clients tell us and being able to refer back to those details in future conversations.
Must-have methods:
Another way to keep information organized is to file your emails. It seems like a tedious task, but you will thank yourself later when you need to quickly locate information for a specific client.
Must-have methods:
Some people don’t need a to-do list to keep track of things and get work done. Or rather, some people think they don’t need a to-do list. If you’re anything like me, to-do lists help you organize your thoughts and prioritize. Plus, there is a certain joy in being able to check off items as you complete them — such a feeling of accomplishment! If you don’t currently use to-do lists, it’s time to get started.
Must-have methods:
So yes, these methods may seem simple or even unnecessary. But if you’re on a mission to become more organized, give them a chance. Your client will thank you when you’re able to recall minute details about their solutions without breaking a sweat and meet deadlines with ease. You’ll always be able to rest assured that co-workers can rely on you when they’re down to the wire — and that you can rely on yourself.